January 13, 2023, Almaty
Key financial indicators from the separate (non-consolidated) financial statements of JSC "Freedom Finance":
1. Total assets as of December 31, 2022, increased by 85.6 billion tenge (71.5%) compared to December 31, 2021, amounting to 205.2 billion tenge. The growth was achieved through increases in:
a) Securities portfolio – by 55.5 billion tenge, or 75%;
b) Investments in the equity of other legal entities and subordinated debt – by 26.4 billion tenge, or 65%.
2. Liabilities increased by 53.3 billion tenge, or 167%, compared to December 31, 2021, due to increases in:
a) Direct REPO transactions – by 45.2 billion tenge, or 148.3%;
b) Other liabilities – by 6.8 billion tenge, or 784.7%.
3. Equity grew by 32.2 billion tenge, or 36.7%, compared to December 31, 2021.
4. Net income for the year ending December 31, 2022, increased by 12.1 billion tenge, or 134.9%, compared to the net income for the year ending December 31, 2021. This was driven by increases in:
a) Income mainly related to earnings on securities valued at fair value, the changes of which are reflected in profit or loss – by 10.3 billion tenge, or 149%;
b) Commission income – by 6.8 billion tenge, or 132.5%;
c) Net income from changes in the value of financial assets valued at fair value, the changes of which are reflected in profit or loss – by 5.9 billion tenge, or 313%;
d) Expenses related to compensation payments – by 2.5 billion tenge, or 54.6%;
e) Expenses from the purchase and sale of financial assets – by 2.7 billion tenge, or 94.3%;
f) Operating expenses – by 4 billion tenge, or 205.3%.
Key quantitative indicators:
1. Charter capital – 66.8 billion tenge.
2. Number of accounts opened in the fourth quarter of 2022 – 861.
3. Total number of accounts as of January 1, 2023 – approximately 83,000.
4. Number of transactions in the fourth quarter of 2022 – over 238,000.
5. As of January 1, 2023, the company is the official market maker for 84 securities traded on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, and for 7 securities on the Astana International Exchange.
Results of Freedom Finance Global PLC for the third quarter of the 2023 fiscal year:
During the period from October to December 2022, the company opened 29,443 accounts and conducted 2,141,498 transactions. The total number of accounts as of January 1, 2023, was 89,281, with 5,504,716 transactions conducted.
JSC "Freedom Finance" provides its clients with brokerage services on KASE and AIX, market maker services to maintain securities quotations, and services in debt and equity financing and financial consulting.
Freedom Finance Global is a broker with new capabilities, specializing in serving retail investors. The company is registered at the AIFC, holds a license from AFSA, and operates under elements of English law. Clients of Freedom Finance Global have direct access to exchange operations on international financial markets (NYSE/NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange, HKEX, Frankfurt Stock Exchange), KASE, and AIX, as well as to the most popular and in-demand service of the holding—participation in initial public offerings (IPOs).
The companies are part of the international investment group Freedom Holding Corp. The holding's shares have been listed (since October 15, 2019) on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker FRHC. The activities of Freedom Holding Corp. are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC, USA).
Media Contacts:
Ramіna Fakhrutdinova – Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors for PR at JSC "Freedom Finance"
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Phone: +7 (727) 311 10 64, ext. 640.